THRC Minutes 07.17.14

THRC Minutes 7.17.14



July 17, 2014

7:00 PM

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm with Marcia Keller, Sandy Wright, Nikki Dubaere, Audrey Sylvester, Mel Pfeifle, Beth Rodd and Karen Hambleton (acting Secretary) present.

Absent were Scott MacLean, Jim Bibbo, Sandy Paul, Sue Reynolds, John Greenwood, Walter Royal

Review and Consideration of June 19, 2014 Minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller, and seconded by Beth Rodd to approve the minutes with one correction on page 2. (second paragraph on second page – toady should be today) Motion carried unanimously.

July Fourth (5th) Activities:

Eileen thanked everyone who helped make this a successful day.

Select Board Letter to THRC:

Eileen shared a copy of the June 30th letter. The letter affirms that this committee (Town Hall Restoration Committee) is the town organization spearheading the restoration of Town Hall.

Letter to Rural Heritage Connection:

The letter written in response to the presentation by the RHC at our June meeting affirmed the Select Board letter of June 30th, confirmed our plans to go ahead with a 3-year Capital Campaign and asked for clarification on a couple items from the RHC.

Capital Campaign:

Karen is leading the fundraising committee. The Fundraising Committee is moving forward with the Capital Campaign brochure and the list of names.

Update on the Trust:

Karen reported on the following deposits made to the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund Account. Figures are rounded and do not include interest earned.

August 2013 – $1881

January 2014 – $1100

January 2014 – $1889

July 2014 – $600

Approximate total – $5470

A process for making deposits must be established.

Warrant Article Update:

Of the $95,000 approved at Town Meeting, $5000 was paid to Bruss Construction for services through March 15th. A second round of roof RFP’s was sent out. They are due back on August 8th. It is still to be confirmed that Daniel V. Scully/Architects has been paid to date. (Per email from Marcia on 7/19/14, Dan Scully confirmed that all invoices had been paid and the account was up to date.)

Communications Plan:

Audrey is spearheading this effort. It will take place in conjunction with fundraising.

Building Committee:

The Building Committee is looking at how the supervision of the TH restoration could be supervised. Marcia has offered to chair the Building Committee. We will need a Clerk of the Works if we opt to do the supervision ourselves. Scully is willing to do it, but supports us if we choose to do it ourselves. We need to be thorough and careful in our approach to this. A final survey would be helpful. Sonny is working on this. Motion, moved by Karen Hambleton and seconded by Beth Rodd, to appoint Marcia Keller as Building Committee chair passed unanimously.


Marcia and Audrey are working on a stakeholders list. A list was distributed and they welcome help in identifying who heads each committee.

There being no other business, meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Karen Hambleton

Acting Secretary