THRC Minutes 10.25.12

OCTOBER 25, 2012

Call to Order and

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:06pm with Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, John Greenwood, Caryl Walker, George Cilley, Beth Rodd and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Also present were Rick Monahon, Architect and Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction.

Review and Consideration of October 11, 2012 Minutes:

Note was taken that Dick and Marcia Keller did not attend the Peterborough Town Hall trip to view their wood pellet furnace as was stated.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of October 11, 2012 with edit. Seconded and carried unanimously.

Rick Monahon, Architect and Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction updated plans:

Rick Monahon presented a visual schematic design plan update. Discussion regarding the placement of the upstairs bathrooms took place, and it was presented as being over the old police station which will be by code. Rick Monahon advised the schematic design level of services, the level of detail, plans, elevation, discretion of material choices and estimate has been achieved by his office at this time. Several versions of fine tunes have been accomplished including the committee’s input, meetings public input as well as town employees input. The schematic drawings shown include these plans. There was discussion regarding payback.

Jim Bruss furnished the members with a Heating Cost Analysis over a 20 year period, taking into consideration the last three years of being in the town hall using gallons, cost per gallon, showing the savings due to energy improvements at 40% improvement. At the price increase of 10% per year, in twenty years, the median cost for heating fuel with oil over the next ten years would be twenty two thousand three hundred two dollars ($22, 302.00) The median savings for heating fuel with energy improvements would be eight thousand nine hundred twenty dollars and eighty cents ($8,920.80).

This savings pays for a $145k investment in alternative energy and renewable heating sources (based on a twenty year note). Also, Jim Bruss provided a NH Average Fuel and Electricity Price list showing the increase in cost over the past ten years.

November 10, 2012 Forum:

Discussion regarding the upcoming THRC Forum to be held at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School from 10:00am to 12:00 noon was discussed at length. Documented stages of each floor with Phase I and II. There will be a power point presentation as well as three large visual schematic design plans placed around the room.

Discussion regarding the type of kitchen facility was held with the thought that a double wall oven and microwave could work. Also lots of laminated counter space with few cabinets was considered. This could be considered a Break Room/Catering kitchen, to make the rental of the upstairs more inviting for different groups.

Being a historic building, the windows will be repaired rather than new thermal windows installed, and the budget includes this. The first floor windows would be done in the first Phase and the second floor windows in the second phase.

It was calculated that there would be a 20 to 25% of the second phase cost in savings to do the total renovations at the same time, rather than in phases, at today’s rates.

Another topic to be considered is a Construction Manager. It was pointed out that the Library addition as well as the Community Center remodeling did have a Construction Manager. This gives a better control over the project. They can produce three sub-bids of contracts to be reviewed by a committee which in turn saves the town a lot of money. Rick Monahon, Architect would make a proposal to the Selectmen, and the suggested date is Monday, November 5, 2012 at their regularly scheduled meeting. The Selectmen will be notified prior to that date.

George Cilley read a portion of the letter written to him by Aaron Wechsler, owner, Aspen Environmental Consultants. “On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 8:00am I met Mr. Cilley at the town hall. A member of the Bradford Highway Department (Mr. Fortune) (Barry Wheeler also attended) arrived shortly after with a backhoe to dig the test pit. After some discussion about the location of the existing well, I decided to dig the test pit near the south-east corner of the lot. The material under the parking lot (at least in the area of the test pit) appears to meet the NH Department of Environmental Services requirements for a septic receiving layer. Based on the soil data, the existing use, and an assumed relatively small amount of staff I don’t think we would have much difficulty obtaining a State Permit for Construction of a Septic System.” (Complete letter on file).

Another area discussed is the well. No decisions at this time.

Energy recovery ventilators are included in the estimate. There will also be individual climate control.

It was reiterated again that the building is structurally sound.

Rick Monahon, Architect advised he is at 15% of his design details at this time…

It was noted that there have been 800 full page colored copies to be inserted in the Bradford Bridge for the November 1, 2012 copy with invitation to the November 10 THRC Forum from 10:00am to 12:00noon.

Jim Bruss was asked if he too could attend, and he stated that either he or Michael Bruss would be there.

The next scheduled meeting is:


Meeting Adjourned 9:20pm

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary