THRC Minutes 11.30.12


NOVEMBER 30, 2012


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order with Caryl Walker, Michele Halsted, George Cilley, John Greenwood, Beth Rodd, Dick Keller and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of November 1, 2012 minutes.:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 7-0.

Review and Consideration of the THRC Forum , November 10, 2012

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Beth Rodd.

Eileen Kelly wanted the following added to the minutes on page 3. third paragraph from the bottom: “ Many requests and questions from the audience regarding the possibility of doing the entire restoration all at once instead of in phases, were asked. A show of hands was requested of the audience, the result being an almost unanimous opinion that the town should undertake the entire project all at the same time. It was stated that the committee would consider this.”

Motion carried with edit 7-0.

Forum Feedback – November 10, 2012:

Caryl Walker was thanked for the food that was provided.

Eileen Kelly requested the names of the volunteers who signed up that day, and a clip board she has not received back. Michele advised she would make up a special list of the volunteers to forward to Eileen.

Double Diamond was thanked and a Thank You card was passed around and signed to be forwarded to them for the Dining for Dough night. It was reported that $150.00 was the 20% earned, plus another twenty dollars from an anonymous donor. It was decided we should do this again.

Bradford Website – Thank you Andrew Pinard –

Eileen Kelly, Chair advised she and Andrew Pinard worked and put the information on the Web. For the Town Hall Restoration Committee. It was hoped to get the information in theBradfordBridge. They will have it put in next month.

Review Committee report – John Greenwood:

John Greenwood advised Harry Wright, Selectman, Jim Bruss, Rick Monahon, Architect and himself met with six General Managers who were interested in taking the role of Construction Manager at the Site. Out of the six, it was narrowed down to four, all qualified candidates: The following three Companies were represented at the walk through: North Branch Builders, represented by Joseph Campbell and Kenneth Holmes. Milestone Engineering and Construction represented by Frank Lemay and Ingram Construction represented by Jeff Ingram.

The group met at the Town Hall with the exception of ColbHill Construction on November 27, 2012 at 1:00pm and then a follow up meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 8:30 to make the decision of whom the contingency contract will be awarded to. These interviews will take about an hour apiece, and by the end of this, Rick Monahon thought they will stay and award a contingency contract based on Town Meeting. It was strongly suggested that they should meet the Project Manager and the Owner of the company on the interview process to make sure there is a compatibility there. The walk through covered the whole building as well as around the perimeter. Rick Monahon advised a detail scope of work will be done for those at the walk through.

Copies were forwarded to the three companies that were there as well as to Harry Wright, and John Greenwood. John advised he will forward to the rest of the members of the THRC for review. A favorable comment from the three representatives from the companies listed was that they were very impressed with the building. These companies will go after this endeavor with a cost control mindset.

Subcommittee Appointments:

Eileen Kelly, Chair handed out sheets regarding Subcommittee sign-ups:

Finance Committee:

John Greenwood, Subcommittee, Chair. – Marcia Keller – Eileen Kelly

Campaign for Community Support :

Beth Rodd, Subcommittee, Chair – Audrey Sylvester


Michele Halsted advised she has been on a listening tour of fundraising from the voices of experience from inside and outside of town. The focus needs to be on the vote at town meeting. Michele went on to advise Town Hall Restoration and Rural Heritage are equal partners which gives a great deal of strength, including development experts, professionals who know what they are doing. We did not get the L-Chip Grant. We have to let the people know before Monday when the announcement is made public about the L-Chip Grant. The Pledges should be rolled over and are open ended. Michele advised she does not want the efforts to be counterproductive. We need to focus on Town Meeting and get the two thirds vote. Michele will undertake a campaign mailing. Some very dedicated and creative people on the Fundraising Committee which is made up of

Beth Rodd, BethDownes, LorraineMacCleod, Michele Halsted, Laurie Buchar, and Caryl Walker. It was thought that Campaign for Community Support and Fundraising should work closely together. Getting the vote out at town meeting and educating the community is very important. A fact sheet and a brochure will be worked on.

Additional conversation ensued.

Michele will check with another local restaurant for dinner for the group and let us know.

Michele will also write a letter from RHC, Selectmen and this committee to our representatives relating Bradford’s Town Hall Restoration program. This Committee thought this is a great idea. Eileen Kelly advised she would recuse herself.

Eileen Kelly advised all sub-committee meetings need to be posted as open.

It was discussed that a brochure needs to be one and the same for both groups to use and be reviewed by the whole committee. Dick Keller questioned the Web Site not coming back before the committee prior to being completed. Conversation continued.

Next scheduled meetings are scheduled for:

Thursda,y December 13, 2012 at 7:00pm


Thusday, December 27, 2012 at 7:00pm

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 8:13pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
