Town Hall Restoration Committee Minutes 12.05.11

DECEMBER 5, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair opened the meeting at 7:00pm with John Greenwood, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Caryl Walker, Michele Halstead, Sandy Wright, Audrey Sylvester, Marcia and Dick Keller, Beth Rodd, Phyllis Wilcox and Marge Cilley, Secretary in attendance. Also present were Harry Wright and George Cilley.

Review and Consideration of November 16, 2011 minutes:

Motion to approve by Dick Keller, Caryl Walker seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the minutes of the trip to visit the Walpole Town Hall on November 19, 2011 was made by Marcia Keller, seconded by Audrey Sylvester. Motion carried unanimously.


John Greenwood introduced Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction who has offered much guidance with needs and possibilities with the planning and developing of the restoration process of the town hall, as well as steps that need to be taken. Jim also suggested that the committee meet with Jeff Taylor.

John also introduced Jeff Taylor, Community and Planning Consultant, who has volunteered to brief the group.

Jim Bruss advised he has seen the many different problems and challenges the town hall has faced over the years and is interested in being a part of the solution, not in the buildingsense, but as an interested community member. Some of the challenges are the lifting of the building and seeking to use CDBG type funding, could be very problematic because of the historical review aspects of those Grant requirements. Section 106 review requirements from the State of NH Historic Preservation Office will have significant challenges with strings attached.

They would like to get caught up to speed to where the committee’s headed with possibilities. John Greenwood advised there is a scope of work that was presented with a full basement underneath the building being discussed, possibly for the Police Dept., trying to keep the town offices on the main floor, and prepping access to the second level for future use for functions of the community.

John Greenwood had further discussed having quotes for raising the building and putting a new foundation underneath it and it could be ideal to look at the elevation on the side of the building to lower the grade to expose more, letting in more light in the lower level.

It was mentioned if lowering the driveway, and if using Grant money a State Archeologist would have to monitor the excavation work on the historical property.

Questioned was what resources do we have to create conceptual design, could we hire professionals and get it done? This is time sensitive if presented at Town Meeting.

John Greenwood advised it needs to be an energy rated building, handicapped accessible,

new heating system, insulation, updated wiring, sprinkler system.

Eileen Kelly explained that the Town Hall Restoration Committee has only started meeting again since October, since the town hall has been closed and the offices moved to the Community Center. The Town Forum that was held a year ago showed a lot of support for the town hall building, and the Community Center remain as a functioning center as it was, however this has all shifted.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that she attended several CIP meetings and seeing what the target is for investments in the town hall and what has been spent annually on the town hall is an amount close to an annual Bond payment. Should we bond that same amount of money which the CIP has worked into their schedule which we could get at 2.75% Bond Rate.

Audrey Sylvester suggested a Town Forum might be the way to present a clear plan of what the process could be and get public input. Jim Bruss advised community input should come first as it has an impact on them, and they come up with other thoughts and ideas. Cheryl Behr, Administrator suggested that when the public comes into the Community Center and see where the town offices have squeezed into, perhaps it will have an impact on them, as this cannot be a long term alternative.

Michele Halstead asked if the NH Preservation Alliance could be contacted to see if they would come to Bradford to tell us if this foundation modification or enhancement would be something that could be moved through the process. Jim Bruss advised his brother Michael is involved and very aware.

Jim Bruss stated that for a meaningful Warrant Article, a stamped complete comprehensive Engineers Plan is needed which is going to take time and money, neither of which we have at this time. Jim Bruss suggested that a preliminary conceptual price could be done in three stages of which 1.76 million was priced in 2010, of this, a 10% or $170,000.00 +/- could be an amount used to go to the town with to get the architectural work done.

It was suggested that a Forum could be held in January 2012.

Jeff Taylor:

Jeff Taylor, a Land Use Planner has also been on the Hopkinton Budget Committee for 10 years. Jeff advised he also worked in the State Planning Office with Marcia Keller for 13 years.

Jeff stated that we do have a great building, something that deserves time and attention, getting the community to think about. Building public support through dialogue should happen. Jeff reiterated that he was in Bradford in 1998 where they designed a Charette for Main Street, and actually signed the contract to rehabilitate the Community Center through the CDBG. First thing to do per Jeff is figure out what is wanted to be done, then check to see what money is out there. Do not let the money drive the whole process.

In NH, you have to benefit low and moderate income people with the CDBG so the Community Center did apply. For a town office building is problematic, as Bradford is not a wealthy community, you do have to show that 51% of the community has to be of low and moderate income, of which Bradford is not. Jeff also advised, there is not a lot of historic preservation money out there now.

Jim Bruss interjected that it needs to be done right the first time.

It was questioned if rather than spending the money to buy back the Grant for the Community building use those funds, which is around $100,000.00, to go towards the town hall renovation. Core questions need to be answered. It was stated that there is presently 9200 square feet in the town hall and if this were obtained from another source, it would take that property off the tax rolls.

Conversation ensued.

Jim Bruss advised it would take 2-2 ½ days for 6 design professionals to draw up options for about $30,000.00.

It was suggested that the Town Pubic Forum be scheduled for early January and the budget needs to be checked to see if any funds are available to pay a Facilitator, as well as present something to the Selectmen., which Eileen Kelly and John Greenwood will do.

It was also mentioned that three members of the committee are attending a Grant seminar on the 8th of December.

John Greenwood and committee members thanked Jim Bruss and Jeff Taylor for coming to this meeting and expressing their input.

January 14, 2012 is a tentative date for the Forum to be scheduled from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. at the elementary school, upon checking for availability.

The next Town Hall Restoration Committee meeting is scheduled for:

Monday, December 12, 2011 at 7:00pm.

It was suggested that a Banker and the Budget Committee be invited as well.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
