Town Hall Restoration Committee Minutes 11.19.11

Town of Bradford
Town Hall Restoration Committee
November 19, 2011

Phyllis Wilcox, Caryl Walker, Audrey Sylvester, Dick and Marcia Keller, Harry and Sandy Wright, Eileen Kelly and George and Marge Cilley left at 9:30 Saturday am to car pool to Walpole. Tara Sad, Andrew Dey, Consultant and project Manager for the Walpole Town Hall renovations and Lucy Weber met the group and gave them an hours extended tour of their Town Hall.

Some of the topics discussed were:

Air sealing insulation creating better air quality. Also including floor of attic and bringing space into thermal envelope. Air conditioning was added into the new section of the Tow Hall, now where the town offices are located. Motion sensor lights were installed to conserve energy. Andrew Dey had some graphs showing Typical Household Energy Use, The “Energy Efficiency Pyramid” and one showing the

Allocation of Funds for the Walpole Town Hall project.

Margaret Sensor, Jaffrey was used to do an Energy Audit through a NEGEE Grant.

Some highlights to consider include:

1. Project Manager/Facilitator

2. Scope of work – Out to bids

3. Construction Management

Window Masters of Dublin were used at about $1,000.00 per window. It was stated that even though the windows were not priority, they were done first; being visable and showing something was done. The window pockets were filled. (Rope & Weights)

A display of progress was done.

Heating was zoned per floor.

In the basement, an air to air heat exchanger was installed and put on the light switch so it would go on when the room was used and off when not. This brings inside air out and brings fresh air in without losing heat. This was in a room with no windows.

The Bradford Town Hall Restoration Committee thanked the three volunteers who gave them the very informative tour and left shortly after noon for lunch, where Tara Sad had made reservations for the group.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
