THRC Oversight Committee 05.21.15

Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee – May 21, 2015


In attendance: Brackett Scheffy, Harry Wright, Eileen Kelly, Kelly Gale, Claire James, Jim Bibbo, Nikki Dubare, Cheryl Behr


Public: Everett Kittredge, Beth Rodd


Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Brackett Scheffy


Eileen Kelly welcomed those in attendance and hoped the reorganization would attract new energy to share the work and provide the necessary new voters to pass the project at the next town meeting.  An update on the status of the LCHIP grant, including deadlines was presented.  She cautioned that the changing of dates of the town meeting was confusing to the public and may have had an impact on the failure to pass.  In closing, Eileen announced she will be stepping aside from the project.  ***see end of minutes


Discussion on the new structure of the committee resulted in the approval of the outline suggested by John Pfeifle, Selectman with modifications.  The number of subcommittees was reduced to four and committee chairs were suggested.  The loss of Eileen Kelly to the project was recognized and outreach to the community for new members will be important.  Motion was made to elect Harry Wright as committee chair and passed with a unanimous vote,


Harry Wright emphasized the committee was not to involve itself with the move of the town offices back to the Town Hall.  This matter was being handled by the Board of Selectmen.  Funding was outside of the money authorized for the work on the Town Hall.  While there was some overlap, the committee should concentrate on the renovation project only.  The motion was made and passed that the committee acknowledged the THRC was not responsible for the move.


Fundraising was discussed.  Brackett Scheffy will contact Eileen for records and the list of pledges obtained last year.  The organization of the fundraising committee was not determined.


Kelly Gale was asked for an estimate of when the plans to DHR would be submitted.  She reported the ADA ramp formerly on the building can be reused with some modification.  Other prerequisites were outlined for the committee.


Jim Bibbo mentioned his interest in applying for a grant for the second floor with Central NH Regional Planning assistance through the CEDS program.  Kelly can provide him with the necessary cost figures.


Nikki Dubare and Claire James brought up the July 4th parade as a good opportunity to publicize the project.  Hay rides and the parade  were discussed.  The website update and flyers were also mentioned.  Cheryl will check with Erica Gross for the procedure used to set up the Independence Day Facebook page last year.


Interested individuals will be invited to the next meeting.  The next meeting will be on June 11th at 5:30 pm in the Youth Room of the Community Center.


All meetings are public and will be posted online and on the bulletin board in the Community Center.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

***NOTE: at her request, following is a copy of Eileen Kelly’s resignation.

Statement from Eileen Kelly, former chair, on May 21, 2015

Welcome to the new members.

As I previously stated in my recommendations to the Select-board on April 6th, I believe that new members will bring new energy and ideas and generate new enthusiasm, as well as spread out the work. Engaging new people in the project will help them to invest in bringing in some new voters next year.

I am delighted that Selectman Harry Wright has found two free days a week to devote to the town hall project and is willing to chair the committee.

The project really is a part-time, if not a full time job.

And with Cheryl helping to do the administrative portion – albeit on the town’s dollar – then wonderful. Sounds like a plan!

The LCHIP grant is still viable. Just follow the instructions outlined in the letter from LCHIP, which I have given copies to the Select-board. It’s for $105 thousand dollars – more than 10% of the current project price estimates. There will need to be a matching amount raised, through private funds & pledges. The last committee already raised about half of the needed amount. If a town warrant article passes this coming March, that can also be used toward the match. The deadline for the LCHIP grant is December, 2016 – so there should be time to fulfill this obligation.

I believe that the votes are there to pass a warrant article. It’s been very close 4.5 & 6 votes short the last two town meetings. Remember that there were also last minute date changes to both of those meetings which I believe cost us the votes for the 2/3rds majority needed. So, hopefully there will be no changes this coming year.

Please also remember that the MAJORITY of Bradford’s citizens SUPPORT the Town Hall Restoration.

I have given this a lot of thought.

I will be stepping aside from the project.

I wish you continued success and I truly hope that the building will be put back into use for generations to come.             Good Luck!