Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee
August 13, 2015 Meeting called to order at 5:30pm
In attendance: Marcia Keller, Harry Wright, Brackett Scheffy, Karen Hambleton, Niki Dubare, Kelly Gale, Everett Kittredge, Jane Johnsen, William Krantz, David Halsted, Claire James, Beth Downs, Marge Cilley, Jim Bibbo, Cheryl Behr
- Plans were presented by Kelly Gale. She described aspects of the plans that had changed and the remaining work to be done. The committee answered as many questions as possible. Kelly will finish the notes within the next two weeks in preparation for filing with the LCHIP committee. Rural Heritage Committee asked if we would have plans for their August 29th Fundraising Event.
- Clair James, publicity committee, recommended a series of informational meetings be held to generate interest in the project. These would not be fund raising events but rather question and answer sessions for the towns people to be brought up to date on the progress of the fund raising and plans. Jane Johnsen asked for totals raised and spent to date by the Town, Trust Funds and the RHC. The committee will list this information on the bottom of each meeting’s minutes. Volunteer Hours were discussed as well as how much money was needed to meet the match. Cheryl Behr remarked that many of the purchases under the 2014 Warrant Article were eligible for the match and may have met the cash amount needed. There was a suggestion to appoint Karen Hambleton to track the donations and expenditures. She will collect that information going forward.
- Jane Johnsen was welcomed as a new member to the group and Mark Fournier was welcomed back as a committee member.
- Filing a grant application with the Hunt Foundation was postponed at this time. Fund raisers already planned will not allow the committee time to meet the deadline. Karen Hambleton suggested the Burn Foundation be approached.
- Jim Bibbo reminded the meeting that attendance at meetings could be counted toward the grant match and asked who was tracking that information. The list of attendees is recorded on the minutes and would serve this purpose.
- The committee was asked to keep in mind the Town Budget will need to be prepared soon. Marcia said the building committee would do the budget for 2016.
- The RHC meeting will be next Monday. Request was made for Harry and Brackett to act as guides during the Fund Raising Event to be held on 8/29/15. Niki will canvas for volunteers. This is an invitation only. Marge Cilley will need help with the food preparation. Jim will work on the clean-up crew. Beth Downs and Marge Cilley questioned the status of the water at the building as well as having someone go in, clean the building and remove the paper from the second floor stairs. The town office will have the work done.
- The next meeting date was set as Sept 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm
Minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr
Current spent from warrant article – $84,130.82 – details available – remain $10,869.18
Balance in Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund – $8,988.80
Balance in RHC Cornerstone account – $16,646.52,