Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee 7.09.15

Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee Minutes

July 9th, 2015

Youth Room – BACC

5:30 pm


Meeting was called to order by Brackett Scheffy at 5:30pm.



In attendance: Brackett Scheffy, Chairman; Harry Wright, Selectmen’s rep; Michele Halsted RHC Chairman; Beth Downs RHC Treasurer; Jim Bibbo, Planning Committee; Kelly Gale, architect; William Kranz, RHC; Marge Cilley, RHC; George Cilley, RHC; Sandy Paul, RHC; David Halsted, RHC, Karen Hambleton, Selectmen’s office; Cheryl Behr, Town Administrator; Everett Kittredge, public


Correction to minutes of June 11th, 2015. In attendance add Jim Bibbo and Cheryl Behr.


Michele Halsted outlined for the THROC committee the goals of the RHC in the fund raising effort and items they will need to develop a successful fund raising campaign. A complete copy of her comments is attached.

  1. donor list
  2. highlighting communities that have been out of the current dialogue
  3. written synopsis of what funds are being held by the town, what donors contributed these funds, what tasks have been completed and what activity is in the works now.
  4. Need to cultivate relationships throughout the project
  5. Taxpayer list of mailing addresses – residents/non residents
  6. perception of unity needs to be cultivated
  7. Holding of a social event before Labor Day to showcase the second floor.
  8. Need to keep the budget similar to last year to increase confidence in the project and build trust.

 The town office staff will provide RHC with sample invoicing to move donations from the RHC to the Town to pay for specific items.  (added to posting upon review)

Harry Wright had received a list of donors from Eileen Kelly and forwarded on to Marge Cilley. He discussed pledged rescinded with the failure of the town to secure a bond at town meeting.


Jim Bibbo will be submitting a EDA grant with the help of CNHRPC.


Discussion of status of plans by Kelly Gale. Target date of end of July for completion. Kelly has printed the LCHIP binder of requirements and stripped down the various layers on the current plans. Per Jenna from LCHIP no work can be done inside the building until the plans have been approved. This will result in the postponing of the selectmen’s office and town clerk/tax collector move until later in the fall.

The next LCHIP meeting will be in September and plans and a revised scope of work need to be submitted then. LCHIP will then have 45 days and will either approve or disapprove the plan to include the new foundation. The change of scope will need to be signed by Harry Wright and Kelly Gale.

Pulling together earlier records on volunteer time will be important to illustrate the necessary match for the LCHIP grant. Harry will check with Eileen Kelly.


Next meeting date was set for August 27th at 5:30pm in the youth room. Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.


Minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr