Town Meeting 2016

Click Here to download a copy of the 2016 Annual Report




Town Warrant of Town Meeting March 8th, 2016

The Polls will open at 8:00 am on March 8th, 2016

To the inhabitants of the town of Bradford in the County of Merrimack in the said State qualified to vote in town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School on the Old Warner Road in said Bradford, N.H. on Tuesday the eighth day of March next, at eight o’clock in the morning to act on the following articles:


Article One:  To choose all necessary town officials for the ensuing year.

Town Election Results Here


Kearsarge Regional School District (Bradford Results Only)

Official Ballot- Kearsarge Annual School District Election, March 8, 2016

Race for School Moderator (1 Year)              Brackett Scheffy                       355 Votes

Question 1. To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the Municipal Budget Committee’s recommended amount of $40,896,661 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the District. The School Board recommends $40,896,661. This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. This warrant article asks the voters to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, the salaries of School District Officials and Agents, and for the statutory obligations of said District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the State sources, together with other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Town of Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Warner and Wilmot, the amount to be raised by taxation by said towns. (School Board Recommends 8-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 81)

  1. $40,896,661 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the School Board- Votes 248
  1. $40,896,661 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the Municipal Budget Committee- Votes 92

Question 2. To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost item included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between Kearsarge Regional School Board and the Kearsarge Regional Educators Association which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits:

Year Estimated Increase
2016-17 $393,297
2017-18 $440,278
2018-19 $449,957

And further to raise and appropriate the sum of $393,297 for the 2016-17 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels. (School Board Recommends 8-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 54)

YES 218          NO 172

Question 3. To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $25,000 to be placed in the Special Education Expendable Trust Fund, established in 2008 within the provisions of RSA 198:20-c for the purpose of emergency funding of unforeseen Special Education costs incurred by the District, with such amount to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2016. (School Board Recommends 8-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 90)

YES 260          NO 131

Question 4. To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $50,00 to be placed in the School Buildings Maintenance Fund for the purpose of repair, unanticipated utility costs, and maintaining the school buildings and equipment, with such amount to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2016. (School Board Recommends 8-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 90)

YES 273          NO 115

Election officials present at the March 8th, 2016 Town Election were Brackett Scheffy, Moderator; Fred Hubley, Assistant Moderator; John Pfeifle, Harold Wright, Selectmen; Camila Devlin, Town Clerk; Melissa Cloutier, Deputy Town Clerk; Judith Marshall, Sandy Paul, Jacklyn Pehrson, Supervisors of the Checklist; Harriet Douglass, Beth Downs, Tandy Hartford, Geoffrey Hirsch, Jane Johnsen, Robert Toppi, Thomas Marshall, Stephen Pierce, Denise Renk, Beth Rodd, Diane Whalley, Ballot Clerks; Karen Hambleton, Tandy Hartford, Geoffrey Hirsch, Julie Leonard, Robert Toppi, Harold Wright, Counters.

Article Two: To adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School on the Old Warner Road in Bradford.  Raising the money and remaining articles in the Warrant will be taken up at the adjourned meeting. The count ended at 8:45pm and results were announced and posted. The meeting reconvened on March 9, 2016 at Kearsarge Regional Elementary School on Old Warner Road. A total of 284 voters attended.


Moderator, Brackett Scheffy, opened the meeting at 7:03pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Moderator welcomed the assembly to the 230th Bradford Town Meeting. The 90th birthday of Marvin Rich was acknowledged, as was the recent passing of life-long resident Everett Kittredge. Retired Town Administrator Cheryl Behr and former Town Clerk Erica Gross were thanked for their years of service to the town. The Moderator additionally thanked all who participated in the successful Town Election on March 8th.

The Moderator explained the Rules of Procedure which are based on Robert’s Rules of Order. The Moderator retains the right to change the rules as deemed necessary, however only one amendment will be made at a time.


Article Three:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,300,000.00) (gross budget) for the renovation and restoration of the Historic Town Hall at Map 16 Lot 92.  The project will provide a full basement, completely operational first floor for town offices and meeting rooms, and a second floor that meets building code standards for assembly occupancy.  Further to authorize the issuance of not more than Nine Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($975,000.00) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33).  Further to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the rate of interest thereon, the term and other details.  The balance of Three Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($325,000.00) will be raised from donations and grants with work proceeding as commitments are made.  The following funds are currently on hand to offset this balance:

  • $105,000.00 LCHIP Grant
  • ­­$70,700.00 Cash and In-Kind donations

The Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends. This article requires a paper ballot and two-thirds vote.  Passage of this article will have no tax impact in 2016.

Harry Wright, Selectman, gave a brief Power Point presentation on the benefits of renovating the Bradford Town Hall and the Moderator opened the article for questions.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, advised that if both Article Three and Article Eight pass the excess funds from Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund cited in Article Eight can help to offset the burden on taxpayers.

◄ Mark Fournier asked if the company doing the construction would be bonded and was advised in the affirmative by Selectman John Pfeifle.

◄ Charles Goodale raised concerns about the Town Hall having adequate parking to hold Town Meeting.

  • John Pfeifle stated yes and detailed parking options.

◄ Don Johnsen gave a statement against the proposal.

◄ Carol Conforti-Adams gave a passionate speech about the intended purpose of the Bradford Area Community Center; a building set up to provide services for the people, not Town services. She reminded those in attendance that 85% of the tax rate comes from school, county and state impact.

◄ Michael Elmes raised concerns of overall tax impact should this bond pass.

◄ Marlene Freyler raised concerns of when information detailing renovation plans became available to the public.

  • Claire James pointed out that 3 public information sessions had been held to answer questions and that plans were made available on the town website several weeks ago.

Moderator closed discussion on the Article Three at 8:00pm. The ballot boxes were opened for voting at 8:05pm and remained open for one hour. There were 284 registered voters in attendance and 279 ballots cast. A 2/3rds majority vote of 186 was required to pass.

Article Did Not Carry                                                 YES 179         NO 101


Article Four:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00) (gross budget) to purchase a new Class A fire pumper truck, and to authorize the issuance of not more than Three Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($386,800.00) in bonds or notes for this purpose.  Further to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; furthermore to authorize the withdrawal of Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred ($36,500.00) dollars from the Fire Department Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve, to withdraw Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($16,700.00) from Fund Balance and to raise Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) by taxation.  The Selectmen recommend.  The Budget Committee recommends.  This article requires a paper ballot and two-thirds vote.

Chris Frey made a motion to amend Article Four to read, (Line 2) “Four Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00) Four Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($425,000.00)” and (Line 4) “Three Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($386,800.00) Three Hundred and Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($336,800.00)”

Motion Seconded. Moderator called for a voice vote.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Selectman John Pfeifle presented the financial analysis to explain the cost-benefit over time and stated that this would not have an impact on taxes in 2016.

◄ Michael Elmes proposed using the funds from Article Eight to offset the cost should Article Four pass.

◄ Chet Mitchell asked why the town needs to purchase a new pumper if regionalization is being considered.

  • John Pfeifle answered that surrounding communities have newer equipment; Bradford’s current pumper is 22 years old. A new pumper would provide incentive for surrounding communities to regionalize.

◄ David Nunnally asked if Valley Fire Equipment can do something with the old truck. Asked if the cost to refurbish the old truck is greater than the cost of a new truck.

  • Fire Chief Mark Goldberg replied that the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) guidelines states that a front line pumper is good for 15 years and major modifications are not as good as new equipment. He displayed rusted truck parts and pointed out that they are from a newer vehicle than what the Fire Department currently uses.

◄ Brad Keller asked if the Fire Department can get to all properties in town.

  • Fire Chief replied that no, due to the condition of some private, unrated bridges and some private inaccessible driveways not all properties can be reached. The fire Department can reach all driveways from all public roads- getting to the house is another story.

◄ Fire Chief Mark Goldberg pointed out that sometimes newly insured properties have difficulty obtaining coverage due to a high Public Protection Classification rating.

◄ Dick Keller, Budget Committee, advised that the Budget Committee did not approve Article Four by unanimous vote and that Mini-Pumpers cost half the price of Class-A Pumpers.

– John Pfeifle pointed out that the Mini-Pumpers are not big enough for everyday use as the Mini-Pumper holds 300 gallons vs the Class-A Pumper which holds 1000 gallons. Mark Goldberg stated that an aggressive attack is the only way to put out a fire and no one is going to stop a fire with 300 gallons.

◄ Michael James raised concern that a new Fire Truck was purchased by the town last year and would like to assess the numbers as this is high cost.

  • Fire Chief said that these numbers have been available to the public for months and that Mr. James has not reached out for information.

◄ Kathy Rodgers, Budget Committee, said she voted against Article Four as she wanted to see more options.

◄ Michael James said he contacted his insurer and was told that not having a Fire Department in town would not prevent coverage

  • Fire Chief responded that anything beyond a 5 mile range from the fire station receives a higher rating.

◄Peter Antal asked what the purpose of last year’s purchase was.

◄David Nunnally suggested they use the new Fire Truck and a Mini-Pumper for similar firefighting capabilities

  • Fire Chief said that sounded good in theory however would not be a practical long term solution.

◄ Beth Downs, Budget Committee, said that the Fire Chief threatened the Budget Committee that they would not be able to get homeowners insurance if the town did not have this pumper.

  • Fire Chief replied that he did not threaten anyone and if he said that he would apologize.

Motion made to close the debate. Debate closed by unanimous voice vote on Article Four at 9:11pm. The ballot boxes were opened for voting at 9:13pm and remained open for one hour. There were 284 registered voters in attendance and 197 ballots cast. A 2/3rds majority vote of 131 was required to pass.

Article Did Not Carry                                                 YES 72           NO 125


Article Five:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Million Nine Hundred Eighty One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($1,981,520.00) for general municipal operations.  This article does not include amounts appropriated by other warrant articles.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Selectmen            Budget Committee

Executive                                                        189,775.00                        189,775.00      Carried

Elections & Vital Records                                   14,400.00                          14,400.00      Carried

Financial Administration                                    102,000.00                        102,000.00      Carried

Revaluations                                                      42,000.00                          42,000.00      Carried

Legal                                                                 31,000.00                          31,000.00      Carried

Planning & Zoning                                             10,000.00                          10,000.00      Carried

General Gov                                                      63,000.00                          63,000.00      Carried

Cemetery                                                          25,000.00                          25,000.00      Carried

Insurances                                                        66,752.00                          66,752.00      Carried

Other General Gov                                              6,500.00                            6,500.00      Carried

Police Department                                           454,000.00                        454,000.00      Carried

Fire Department                                                55,950.00                          55,950.00      Carried

Rescue Services                                              91,900.00                          91,900.00      Carried

Building Code Department                                 12,000.00                          12,000.00      Carried

Emergency Management                                    2,500.00                            2,500.00      Carried

Highway Department                                       505,000.00                        505,000.00      Carried

Bridge Account                                                        1.00                                   1.00      Carried

Street Lighting                                                   4,850.00                            4,850.00      Carried

Solid Waste Collection                                      80,000.00                          80,000.00      Carried

Solid Waste Disposal                                        25,000.00                          25,000.00      Carried

Inoculations                                                             1.00                                   1.00      Carried

Welfare Administration                                        7,000.00                            7,000.00      Carried

Welfare Payments                                            30,000.00                          30,000.00      Carried

Parks and Recreation                                         2,000.00                            2,000.00      Carried

Library                                                             69,230.00                          69,230.00      Carried

Patriotic Purposes                                            17,500.00                          17,500.00      Carried

Community Center                                            21,000.00                          21,000.00      Carried

Other Conservation                                               886.00                               886.00      Carried

Long Term Notes                                              49,775.00                          49,775.00      Carried

Interest on TAN notes                                         2,500.00                            2,500.00      Carried

Total            1,981,520.00                     1,981,520.00


Article Six:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ninety Five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00) to be placed in the Town Hall Repair and Restoration Trust Fund (established in 2013) for the continuing renovation of the Bradford Historic Town Hall.  This article will be null and void with the passage of Article 3 (Town Hall Bond Issue).  By Petition.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen do not recommend.  Budget Committee does not recommend.

Harry Wright, Selectman, presented Article Six by petition.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, expressed that the Selectmen do not favor this article.

◄ Peter Antal stated he believes doing a yearly article to restore the town hall circumvents the democratic process.

◄ Chris Frey asked who controls the trust funds: Selectmen or Trustees of the Trust Funds?

  • Andrew Pinard stated that he disagrees that getting the 2/3rds majority is the only democratic process. Responded that the Selectmen are in charge of expending funds from the Town Hall Repair and Restoration Trust Fund.

Moderator called for a vote by hand.

Article Did Not Carry                                                 YES 67           NO 76


Article Seven:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) to relocate the town offices into the Old Town Hall and to withdraw Thirty Thousand dollars ($30,000.00) from the Town Facilities and Buildings Capital Reserve for this purpose.  No new money will be raised by taxation.  This will be a non-lapsing appropriation and continue until December 31, 2021.  This article will be null and void with the passage of Article 3 (Town Hall Bond Issue).  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, presented Article Seven putting emphasis on safety of the Town Offices and the need for a more efficient meeting space.

◄ Marcia Keller expressed the need for repairs and general upkeep of the building.

◄ Chris Frey asked if the Selectmen were committed to not bringing up the Town Hall Bond article for several years.

  • John Pfeifle said correct.

◄ Sandra Wright said she understood that the heating system does not work properly and that there are many holes that need to be repaired in the walls. Expressed concerns of how much more money this project will cost.

  • John Pfeifle responded that the heating, electric and plumbing systems work.

◄ Don Johnsen encouraged looking at alternatives and has concerns over the building being structurally sound and wondered  if the building can hold the proposed load of people.

  • John Pfeifle responded that the current offices are inappropriate.

◄ Gary Wahl voiced concerns over phrasing of Article Seven.

Moderator proposed amendment to article, (Line 2) “to withdraw Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) obtain said sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) by withdrawing it from…”

Proposed amendment seconded. Moderator called for a voice vote.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

◄ Andrew Pinard asked, should the article not pass, if funds could still be expended for moving the Town Offices into the Town Hall.

◄ Michael Elmes had questions of the cost of heating a 9,000sqft building.

◄ Susan McKevitt asked if Town use of the Community Center is restricted.

  • John Pfeifle advised that the building is currently being heated, so there will not be a dramatic cost increase in heat. Further stated that the Community Center should not be used by the Town for offices.

◄ Don Jackson voiced his disagreement with John Pfeifle on Community Center use.

◄Chase Kenyon pointed out that if there was a fire emergency in the Community Center, and a handicapped person was in the basement level, they could be trapped if the lift was non-functional.

◄ Doug Troy stated that nothing causes buildings to fail faster than sitting vacant.

Motion made to close the debate. Moderator called for a vote.

 Article Carried


Article Eight:  To see if the town will vote to discontinue the Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund created in 1993.  Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the municipality’s fund balance.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Nine:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of  Fifty Four Thousand Dollars ($54,000.00) for the purpose of installing a drainage capture system in the Fire House and to purchase and install a commercial washer and dryer to clean firemen’s protective gear.  This money will be withdrawn from unassigned fund balance and no additional taxes will be raised.  This will be a non-lapsing appropriation and will continue until spent or December 31, 2021.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend. Budget Committee recommends.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, introduced this Article as a means to meet State regulations.

◄ Andrew Pinard requested clarification on “unassigned fund balance”, are these surplus funds that can go to pay down the property tax rate?

  • John Pfeifle replied that this is cash on hand

◄ Garrett Bauer inquired how the Fire Department currently cleans their uniforms.

  • Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief, advised they do not.

Moderator called for a vote.

 Article carried


Article Ten:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($16,700.00) to be applied to the purchase of the new Fire Pumper.  This money will come from unassigned fund balance with no money from taxation.  This article is null and void if Article 4 (the bond for the purchase of a Fire Pumper Truck) fails. This is a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7,VI and will continue until spent or December 31, 2021. Selectmen recommend. Budget Committee recommends. (Majority vote required)

Unneeded as Article Four Did Not Carry.


Article Eleven:  To see if the town will vote to discontinue the Highway Heavy Equipment capital reserve created in 1960.  Said funds and interest to the date of withdrawal are to be transferred to the town’s fund balance.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

 Article carried


Article Twelve:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Dollars ($772,000.00) for the repair of the Historic Bement Bridge (#140/144) with said funding to come from the National Historic Bridge Preservation program (Six Hundred Seventeen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars -$617,600.00), the NH Municipal Bridge Program (One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars – $123,520.00) and the town share (Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars – $30,880.00) from fund balance (previously raised and held in the Bridge Fund).  No new town money will be used to offset this appropriation. (Majority vote required).

Article carried


Article Thirteen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) to fund the Highway Department Expendable Trust Fund.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget committee recommends.

◄ David Nunnally asked for clarification on this Article.

  • John Pfeifle responded that is a savings account for equipment.

◄ Chris Frey asked if this needed to be a Capital Project.

  • John Pfeifle answered in the affirmative.

 Article Carried


Article Fourteen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($30,400.00) for the second payment on the Highway Dump Truck lease/purchase approved at the 2015 meeting.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Fifteen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00) for repair work on asphalt roads (including Marshall Hill).  This will be a non-lapsing appropriation and will continue until spent or December 31, 2021.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, explained that this was $80,000.00 last year and was raised this year to take advantage of the low price of oil and asphalt.

◄ Peter Antal requested oversight for this and future similar appropriations

Article Carried


Article Sixteen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for shimming and repairing asphalt roads.  This is a non lapsing appropriation and will continue until spent or December 31, 2021.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends

Article Carried


Article Seventeen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to remove dead and damaged trees from town cemeteries.  This will be a non lapsing appropriation and continue until spent or December 31, 2021.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Eighteen:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($8,770.00) for the final payment on the lease/purchase of the Police Cruiser.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Nineteen:  To see if the town will vote to enter into a lease/purchase agreement (with fiscal funding clause) for a Police Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) and to raise and appropriate the first payment of Nine Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($9,200.00).  The price of the vehicle and outfitting will be Forty Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars ($40,458.00) on a five year lease.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee does not recommend.

◄ Andrew Pinard pointed out that the Town previously owned an SUV and asked why an SUV has not been used since.

  • Officer Shaughnessy indicated the all-wheel drive sedans worked well for most incidents, and then cited an assault call that the Police Department received in the winter where the Fire Department SUV was the only vehicle that could get to the location.

◄ Susan McKevitt asked why the Budget Committee does not recommend.

  • Beth Downs advised that they did not think it was a necessary cost.

◄ Janet Bauer asked if this vehicle would be an addition or replacing a vehicle.

  • Officer Shaughnessy said this would be replacing the 2009 Crown Victoria.

Article Carried


Article Twenty:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,750.00) to support Bradford, Newbury, Sutton Youth Sports.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Twenty One:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) to fund the inspection of watercraft and the educational operations of the Boat Launch on Lake Massasecum.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Twenty Two:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Six Thousand Dollars ($56,000.00) with the following sums to be placed in capital reserve:

Fire Department Heavy Equipment                                       $35,000.00

(This appropriation will be withdrawn with the passage of the Fire Truck Bond issue – Article 4.)

Fire Dept Repair Expendable Trust                                         $5,000.00

Repair Town Buildings                                                           $5,000.00

Revaluation                                                                          $5,000.00

Town Facilities and Buildings                                                 $5,000.00

Gravestone Repair and Preservation                                      $1,000.00

(Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Article Twenty Three:  To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to fund the Bradford School Scholarship Trust Fund.  (Majority vote required.)  Selectmen recommend.  Budget Committee recommends.

Article Carried


Selectman Harold Wright was presented with an engraved clock as a symbol of gratitude for his years of service to the town.


Article Twenty Four:  To see if the town will vote to establish a contingency fund as defined in RSA 31:98-a for the current year for unanticipated expenses that may arise and further to raise and appropriate Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to put in the fund. This sum is to come from taxation and any appropriation left in the fund at the end of the year will lapse to the general fund. Selectmen recommend. Budget Committee recommends. (Majority vote required.)

◄ Andrew Pinard stated that the town is required by DRA to retain 5-8% of our budget for emergency purposes. He asked when the town will see the funds from the unassigned fund balance used.

-John Pfeifle responded that the state does recommend an overlay which has, in the past, been used to slightly offset the taxes.

Article Did Not Carry


Article Twenty Five:  To see if the Town will vote to adopt RSA 674:40-a (Local Land Use Planning and Regulatory Powers), delegating to the Selectmen the authority to accept dedicated streets; provided however, that this authority shall only be used for the acceptance of interests, including but not limited to slope, drainage or bridge easements, which are appurtenant to already-existing town highways, and the acceptance of any new highway shall remain subject to a vote of the Town.  (Majority vote required.)

Harry Wright explained that the adoption of this RSA would simplify the process of obtaining easement during a large scale project

◄ Susan McKevitt asked what prompted this article

◄ Kim Firth asked what happens if the article is not adopted

-Harry Wright responded that it would save the town a lot of time getting easements

Article Did Not Carry


Article Twenty Six:  To adopt RSA 79E:3 – Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive to encourage improvement of the residential business district in Bradford.  (Majority vote required.)

◄ Andrew Pinard pointed out that the town has a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District, how does this impact that income and where is that money?

-Marcia Keller stated that the TIF district was laid out so that any tax increase from development would be collected to benefit the downtown. However, due to the difference between the assessments when the district was formed and the post-business development assessments now, there are likely no funds. This article is for a property tax relief.

Article Carried


Article Twenty Seven:  To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of the Town Offices.  To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Article Carried


Meeting adjourned at 11:23pm.


Bradford Board of Selectmen

John Pfeifle, Chairman

Delbert Harris III, Selectman

Harold Wright, Selectman


Official town warrant and minutes for the Election of March 8th and Meeting March 9th, 2016.

Camila Devlin

Town Clerk/Tax Collector