Trustees of the Trust Fund Minutes 06.27.24

  • The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Scott McCaskill, at 6:01 pm.  All members were present:  Scott McCaskill, Bruce Gezelman, and Dan Innis.
  • The Chair provided an update on the Vanguard accounts, as the company has made some changes to its systems.  Access to the accounts has been updated.  Vanguard will be moving the town funds from their legacy system to an updated platform.
  • Funds in the Vanguard account have been reinvested in the account for nine years running, and there are available funds at this time.  The account will be reviewed at the next Trustees meeting, and consideration will be given to moving the Vanguard funds to a Fidelity brokerage account to simplify necessary withdrawals.
  • The Trustees voted to move forward with the changes to the Vanguard account, and a formal vote on establishing a brokerage account will made at the next Trustees of the Trust Funds meeting. 
  • The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel E Innis