Using Bradford Online Tax Maps

There are a number of benefits associated with having all the Bradford tax maps and property cards available online ( One significant benefit is that residents or businesses who are developing their property can generate not only a list of abutters, but also generate mailing labels quickly and easily.

Using the identity button (circle with an “i” in it), click on a property (or use the search tool to find a property then click on the lot with the “i” tool. The menu on the left will then show (under “Map Details”) a button for “Mailing Labels”. In the “Abuttors Tools” window insert a distance (say 10) into the “Distance (ft):” field and press “Select”. Click on “Add/Remove Selected” to select/remove additional properties on the map. When finished, press the “Mailing Labels” button.

If nothing happens, your browser may have “Pop ups” displayed. You will need to allow a “Pop up” from CAI in order to generate labels. Once “Pop ups” are enabled, CAI should generate a page of labels that can be printed on to label stock.

Take some time and explore your town through the online tax maps. You might be surprised what you learn!