ZBA Minutes 04.02.14




APRIL 2, 2014


Cal to Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03pm with George Cilley, Mark Fournier, Steve Pierce, Denise Renk, Erich Caron Alternate, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Motion was made to approve the March 5, 2014 minutes as presented. by George Cilley

Seconded by Mark Fournier. Motion carried 4-0.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair congratulated all members who had run for election this year and welcomed Mark Fournier and Steve Pierce.

Motion was made by George Cilley to appoint Erich Caron as Alternate. Seconded by Denise Renk. Motion carried 5-0.

The Board also stated that another Alternate would be nice.

Election of Officers:

Secret Ballot was held to nominate Officers for this year resulting in the following.

Motion was made by Denise Renk to nominate Brooks McCandlish as Chair, and Mark Fournier as Vice Chair. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 5-0.

OEP Spring Planning/Zoning Conference:

The Spring Planning/Zoning Conference is being held at the Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield on May 3, 2014, with the deadline set for April 25, 2014. Denise Renk has signed up to attend.

Also, the new OEP ZBA Handbook is now available, and the Secretary will pick up five copies for the Board members.

Discussion ensued as to how to improve Zoning as well as the Master Plan and when it will be updated.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
