ZBA Minutes 04.06.10

APRIL 6, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair opened the meeting at 7:03pm with Les Gordon, Bill Glennie, and Harry Wright present.

Acknowledgement was made of Bill Glennie being a new member, and the letter of resignation from Harry Wright who was thanked for his service on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Harry was elected to the Board of Selectmen at last Town Meeting.

There is a vacancy on the board that needs to be filled and Andrew Pinard has volunteered to serve until the election next March.

Motion was made by Les Gordon to appoint Andrew Pinard to serve on the ZBA until the next election. Seconded by Bill Glennie. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Les Gordon to accept the minutes of the March 2, 2010 meeting as written. Bill Glennie seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

James Thompson, IAMNOW.NET:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair advised he had received a call from James Thompson, IAMNOW.NET, regarding a proposal to put up a wireless tower to serve the back side of Lake Massasecum with high speed internet service. Bill Glennie described the existing test setup behind the former Mountain Lake Inn as well as plans to explore other localities. Mr. Thompson has been before the Planning Board regarding this endeavor. Brooks McCandlish advised he asked James Thompson to come before the ZBA at tonight’s meeting with an application as complete as possible so the board could help with this. Mr. Thompson was not present at tonight’s meeting.

Lumber Barn, Soaring Goose, LLC – Route 114:

One single application of a Variance for signage was received today from the Lumber Barn via mail. A Variance is being requested from Article VI Section B2 & 7B of the Ordinance.

Several problems with application submitted were noted, including:

  • Five copies of the application are required but only one was submitted.
  • No description was given of what the applicant proposes
  • The application states that no special conditions exist such that literal enforcement of the ordinance results in unnecessary hardship. If this were the case, the ZBA would have to deny an application for a variance, but that is probably not the applicant’s intent.

New Variance Form:

A new variance form is needed to reflect the changes to RSA 674:33 effective January l, 2010.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to accept the proposed Variance Application form with clarification of item 5 on page 2. Les Gordon seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The edited copy will be forwarded to the board members for review and then sent to the Selectmen’s office and posted on the Town website.

Mention was made of the Planning and Zoning Spring Conference to be held in Nashua on Saturday May 8th, sponsored by LGC and OEP.

Election of Officers:

It was agreed to ask Marge Cilley to act as Recording Secretary. Brooks McCandlish offered to discuss how this will affect the Planning and Zoning budget with Phil LaMoreaux, Chairman of the Planning Board.

Motion was made to nominate Brooks McCandlish as Chair for this year by Les Gordon. Motion Seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made to nominate Bill Glennie as Vice Chair by Les Gordon. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.

Motion was made to nominate Andrew Pinard as Clerk by Bill Glennie. Les Gordon seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (After Andrew is sworn in).

It was advised that Variance approval must be by three members, no matter how many are present, not just by a majority.

Les Gordon moved to adjourn. Seconded by Bill Glennie.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
Acting Secretary