ZBA Minutes 10.03.18

OCTOBER 3, 2018

Roll Call:

Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Stephen Pierce, Nathanial Bruss, Alternates Ken Parys, Bob Hodges seated

Bill Duffy Vice Chair, Denise Renk – Absent

Meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM
Minutes of September 5, 2018 were reviewed and approved.
1. Brooks McCandlish opened a Public Hearing for Paul Saxby, Map 17/Lot 1 at 7:04pm. Paul Saxby appeared and reviewed his Variance Application requesting to place an Off Premise sign, which is 32 sq. ft. in size, for Colonial Woodworking on the side of a shed at his residence on the corner of Rt. 103 and East Main Street. Article VII, Section C of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance allows for Off Premise signs no larger than 8 sq. ft. in size.
Brooks asked whether Paul had gained approval from the Department of Transportation as the sign will be placed adjoining a State Road. Local Zoning Board approval would not negate compliance with any State requirements. Mr. Saxby had not spoken with DOT but felt the placement of the sign, on the side of an existing shed, would not infringe on any distance requirements the State may have.
Paul Saxby outlined a lack of knowledge in the area related to his business, Colonial Woodworking, which is a business that has been in Bradford for 41 years, employs twenty + employees and builds custom staircases that are installed all over the world. He felt the sign would result in expanded knowledge of the business and a potential customer increase. He proposed that the design of the sign is attractive, the sign presented no hazard to the Town and it would not diminish the value of the Town. He felt placement of the sign on-premise was of little value as the business is not located in a prominent spot, being set back off Main Street which does not get a significant amount of traffic, and he would like to utilize his personal property to promote the business.
Jean Saxby stated the placement of a similar sign at a grandfathered location on Rt. 103 and Sutton Road had generated business inquiries and felt the sign being requested would result in additional inquires as well.
Laurie Colburn spoke in favor of approving the application stating the business provides a high quality product and felt Bradford should be proud to have such a business in town and should support its advertisement.
No one spoke in opposition of granting approval.
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:25pm for deliberation.
The Board reviewed the five individual variance criteria as established by New Hampshire Zoning Law. It was noted that the location where the Variance is being requested is in a Residential Business district and that adjoining properties had large signs, similar in size to what is being requested. There was discussion about the Master Plans support of business growth and the hardship on this business with an on-premise sign due to its location. The intent of the Zoning Ordinance was also debated as the existing ordinance limits off-premise signs to 8 sq. ft. in size and was established to protect the rural character of the Town.
Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned that the Variance be granted for the installation of a single Colonial Woodworking sign, of 32 square feet in size, as described in the application, with the condition that, if the property owner does not remain the owner of Colonial Woodworking business, the sign will be removed
Second: Nathaniel Bruss seconded the motion and motioned to amend the original motion to include wording that the sign would be unlit. After debate, there was no second to the amendment and it did not pass.
Decision: Vote 3-2 in favor, the original motion passed with Nathanial Bruss and Ken Parys voting not to approve the Variance.
New Business:
1. The Board reviewed a Variance Application submit for Map 17/Lot 35 requesting relief from setback requirements due to the size of the building lot. The application was accepted as complete and a Public Hearing date was set for November 7th at 7:00pm with a preceding site walk planned on November 6th at 3:00pm.

Brian & Stacie Rondeau, property abutter’s, attended the meeting and expressed concern about a reduction in the setback footage from their property.
Zoning Board Communication:
1. The next ZBA meeting will be held at the BACC November 7th, 2018 at 7:00pm

Motion: Nathaniel Bruss motioned to adjourn at 8:10pm
Second: Stephen Chase
Decision: vote 5-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn