ZBA Minutes 10.09.19




Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Ken Parys Vice-Chair, Nathanial Bruss, Denise Renk, Stephen Pierce and Alternate Bill Duffy were in attendance.

Alternate Bob Hodges was absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


  • Jason Bugg, 2780 Route 114, Map 21/Lot 26 appeared to discuss an application for a Variance to setback requirements to allow for a 25×36 foot extension off the existing structure on the property. The Board advised Jason on the content they felt would assist in lending clarity to his application and set a date of November 6th to review and vote on whether to accept the application.

Minutes from the September 4th, 2019 meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned to approve the minutes with the following edits:

Bullet #2, edited to read, Denise planned to attend the conference but the registration was already filled. Bullet #3, date correction from October 5th to October 2nd.

Second: Denise Renk

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Zoning Board Communication:

  • The Board reviewed expenses through the 3rd Quarter of 2019 and proposed a budget submission for 2020.

Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned to submit a flat 2020 budget request.

Second: Ken Parys

Decision: 5-0 in favor

  • Laurie Colburn, on behalf of the Planning Board, provided to ZBA with a draft copy of a proposed Zoning Regulation change the Planning Board is preparing for submission as a Warrant Article for Town Meeting related to Accessory Dwelling Units. Ken would like to see a more formal communication process established between the Boards while others felt the passing of information in an informal manner was sufficient. The Board will review the draft proposal with a focus on ensuring clarity, the ability to enforce such a regulation, and continuity with the existing Zoning regulations for discussion at the November 6th, 2019 meeting.

Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned to adjourn at 8:04pm.

Second: Nathanial Bruss

Decision: vote 4-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary