Zoning Board Agenda 11.03.21

Bradford Community Center (also accessible via Zoom Platform – NOTE: new link, see below)

Members: Nathanial Bruss, Beth Downs, William Duffy, Ken Parys, and Brooks McCandlish                                          

  1. Open and roll call
  2. Appoint temporary secretary
  3. Review minutes of 10/6/2021 meeting
  4. Receipt of applications
    1. McCaskill Special Exception
  5. Unfinished business
  6. New business
  7. Communications and miscellaneous
  8. Adjournment

To attend the Zoning Board meeting via Zoom either:

  1. go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83516775515      or:

2)         telephone:

+1 929 205 6099          

      and enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

            863 9323 0838