Zoning Board Minutes 02.01.23

Present: Brooks McCandlish and Bill Duffy in person, Doug Southard via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Review and consideration of the minutes of 12/7/2022

Motion: Bill Duffy to accept the minutes as written.

Second:  Brooks McCandlish

Discussion: None

Decision:  Approved unanimously.

There were no new applications or unfinished business.


There are three spots open for ZBA this coming year. Three is a minimum quorum but a full board of five is to be desired. The possibility of having to draft temporary members if not enough are elected was discussed.

The new NH OPD Planning and Land Use Regulation books are out.  Bill and Brooks each took one, and the remaining three copies will be distributed to the new members.

The Planning Board is working on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance creating a Shoreland Protection District to be considered at the 2024 Town Meeting, and has asked for input from the ZBA and other boards.  The ZBA will take it up after the new board is established.

Motion: Doug Southard moved to adjourn.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: Motion approved unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:14pm

Draft Minutes submitted by Brooks McCandlish