Zoning Board Minutes 04.05.23

Meeting called to order 7:00 pm

  • Present: Brooks, Laura Beaton, Jim Varney, Bill Duffy, Nathanial Bruss, Brooks McCandlish
  • Welcome new members: Laura Beaton and Jim Varney
  • Kathleen Bigford, recording secretary for the Town, will serve as meeting secretary.
  • Quorum not met for this meeting as Laura, Jim and Nathanial need to be sworn in.
  • Review and approval of minutes of 2/1/2023 will be taken up at next meeting.
  • Officer elections will wait for a quorum. Officers are Chair and Vice Chair.
  • There are no applications.
  • Draft changes to Zoning Ordinance: Discuss at next meeting. Planning board is working on changes.

Documents available online:

Town of Bradford:  https://www.bradfordnh.org/departments/forms/

Zoning Ordinance: http://www.bradfordnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Zoning-Ordinance-2020.pdf

  (Amended at 2023 Town Meeting but not yet online)

Most recent master plan 2020 https://cnhrpc.org/bradford-master-plan-2020/ (Not available on bradfordnh.org)

Rules as Procedures: http://www.bradfordnh.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ZBARulesofProcedure-July-11-2018-1.pdf

Also, application forms for: Variance, Special Exception, Appeal from Administrative Decision, Application for Rehearing

NH Office of Planning and Development:


Upcoming training sessions:  https://www.nh.gov/osi/planning/planning-training.htm

April 20, 2023 at noon:  Congratulations, you’re a Board Member Now! What’s Next?  (Register by 4/20/23)

Annual Planning and Zoning Conference – April 29, 2023


Discussion of overall duties of Zoning Board

Brooks: Important for members to come with an open mind. Important to follow the zoning ordinance whether or not members agree.

Nathanial: It’s important to know the procedures. When everyone follows the procedures for dealing with applications, the likelihood of going to court is less. If an applicant takes a case to court, and procedures have been followed, decisions made by the Town are more likely to prevail.

Kathleen will check with Karen about secretarial procedures for the board: Research, notices, others

Bill suggested adjournment. All agreed. Meeting adjourned at 7:50.

Next meeting May 3, 2023