Zoning Board Minutes 05.03.23

Meeting brought to order at 7:02 pm

Present: Laura Beaton, Jim Varney, Bill Duffy, Brooks McCandlish

Absent: Nathanial Bruss

Also attending: Laura Hallahan, Dennis Mitchell

Appointment of secretary

Motion: Laura Beaton made a motion to elect Kathleen Bigford Secretary for the Zoning Board of Adjustment

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 4-0

Election of officers:

Motion: Bill Duffy nominated Brooks McCandlish for Chair

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 4-0

Motion: Bill Duffy nominated Nathanial Bruss for Vice-Chair

Second: Laura Beaton

Decision: 4-0

Review minutes of 2/1/2023 and 4/5/2023 meetings:

Motion: Bill Duffy moved to approve the minutes from meetings on 2/1/2023 & 4/5/2023

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 4-0

Receipt of applications: None

Questions regarding Map 3 Lot 21, Ring Hill Road, 1.3 acres, is this a buildable lot?

The building inspector has not decided on the buildability of the lot. Laura Hallahan, realtor for the lot, appeared and Dennis Mitchell, an abutter, appeared and asked about 2-acre rule. Both Laura and Dennis wanted clarification.

Brooks McCandlish spoke for the board saying that the board cannot make a judgment without a formal application of complaint. However, when there is no building inspector decision, the ZBA can decide. The lot appears to meet the requirement for grandfathered non-conforming use and appears to be buildable based on the intent at the 1974 subdivision.  

Review proposed changes to fee schedule: Need present fee schedule. Tabled.

Review proposed Shoreland Protection Overlay District: Tabled. Take up at next meeting.


Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 4-0

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm

Minutes submitted by Kathleen Bigford