Zoning Board Minutes 08.04.21

Members: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Ken Parys (Vice Chair), Nathanial Bruss, Bill Duffy, and Beth Downs

Alternates: None Present.

Public Present: None

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm

Ken Parys Volunteered to draft this meeting’s minutes.
Review and consideration of the July 7, 2021 minutes.

Motion: Bill Duffy motioned to accept the minutes as written.
Second: Nathanial Bruss
Decision: Bill Duffy-Aye, Nathanial Bruss-Aye, Brooks McCandlish- Aye, Ken Parys-Aye.

Beth Downs Abstained

New Applications:  None

Unfinished Business: None

Public Hearing(s): None

New Business:  None

Zoning Board Communications:

Brooks asked if all members were receiving notices concerning upcoming NH State training and education opportunities via webinars.   Most thought they were but impossible to tell what is not received.  Brooks will look at ensuring all members get future email notifications.

Beth asked what the current status was of hiring a secretary for the Zoning/Planning Boards and a general discussion began about the difficulties of recruiting/hiring a town employee to do this job.  Ken suggested that perhaps the Zoning Board could solicit a volunteer by advertising in “The Bridge” as an option to be considered.  Beth suggested that contact with the local High School might result in a student looking to satisfy a community service requirement. 

Motion: Nathanial motioned to adjourn.  Beth seconded.

Decision: Nathanial Bruss-Aye, Ken Parys-Aye, Brooks McCandlish-Aye, Bill Duffy-Aye, Beth Downs- Aye. 

Meeting Adjourned at 7:13pm

The next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting will be held on September 1, 2021 at 7:00 pm, at the
Bradford Area Community Center and remotely via the Zoom platform.

  1. go to https://zoom.us/j/522006801
    using a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer equipped with camera and microphone,

2)  use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:
     (929) 205-6099
     (312) 626- 6799

Draft minutes written and submitted by Ken Parys