Zoning Board Minutes 10.02.24

7:00 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Jim Varney, Laura Beaton, Bill Duffy.

Absent: Nathanial Bruss, Vice Chair

Also attending, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Quorum established.

Review and approval minutes of September 4, 2024 meeting

Motion: Jim Varney moved to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2024 meeting as written.

Second: Laura Beaton

Decision: 4-0 all in favor

Receipt of applications:

Public Hearing:  Application for a Special Exception at 24 French’s Park Road, Map 4 Lot 20

Jon Steiner presented an application to add a 27 feet x 12 feet deck to the side of the house on a non-conforming lot. Has DES approval and permit. The purpose is to have level, usable space and allow for another exit. There are no sanitary or road access concerns. The intent is to preserves the rural character of the oldest house on the Lake Massasecum.  

Questions: Bill asked about the staircase. Jon said staircase will be within the footprint.

No objections from abutters

Fact Finding:

Abutter notices were mailed on September 20, 2024. A single comment from an abutter was favorable.

There will be minimal extra runoff as a result of the addition of the deck.

Stairs from the deck to the surface will be within the footprint of 27×12 deck.

DES approval is noted.

Public hearing closed at 7:11 pm. The Board decided to make a motion for approval.

Motion: Jim Varney made a motion to accept as presented the application for special exception at 24 French’s Park Road, Map 4 Lot 20

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 4-0, All in favor

Public Hearing:  Application for a Special Exception at 55 Water Street, Map 2 Lot 87

Regina Grebla presented an application to build an addition of a breezeway and garage with a room above. A building permit had been denied because the plan did not meet the setback ordinance. She said the plan preserves the character of the 1779 house and neighborhood. The design of the garage matches that of the house.  

Fact finding:

Abutter notifications sent September 20. No objections have been received from abutters.

The dimensions of the plan have been scaled and entered into the record. Bill Duffy found that the new garage and breezeway are within 18 feet of the property line at the closest point.

There will be front and back doors to allow access to the back of the property.

The original garage and breezeway have been removed.

Owner’s intent is to match the style and character of the 1779 house.

Public Hearing closed. Board deliberation:

The plan is not contrary to public interest.

The design has a similar footprint.

There is no harm done to the abutters.

The value of surrounding properties will not be diminished.

The proposed use is a reasonable one.

Motion: Laura Beaton moved to approve as presented the application for a Special Exception at 55 Water Street, Map 2 Lot 87.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 4-0, all in favor

New business: The Board discussed the Planning/Zoning Budget for 2025. The consensus of the Board is to keep the zoning budget at 2024 levels. Clarification is needed on the subscription and dues, zoning supplies, and postage line items.

Communications and miscellaneous: NHMA Land Use Law Conference: November 16, 9 am 3 pm.

Adjourn: Laura Beaton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 4-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary