Zoning Board Minutes 11.03.21

Draft Minutes

Members Present: Nathanial Bruss (via ZOOM), Beth Downs, William Duffy, Ken Parys, and Brooks McCandlish (Chair)                                            

  1. Open and roll call
    1. Due to difficulty in entering the Community Center, the Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.  
  • Appoint temporary secretary
    • Ken Parys was appointed the temporary Secretary
  • Review minutes of 10/162021 meeting.
    • Brooks proposed a small change to the draft October minutes to clarify.  Specifically, under New Business, the fourth sentence is changed to “There appeared to be some problem getting the 50ft set back from the town road because of the new lot’s topography”
    • Bill moved to approve the minutes as amended.
    • Beth Second
    • All Ayes to accept the minutes.  Beth will amend the Minutes to reflect this change.
  • Receipt of applications
  1. McCaskill Special Exception
    1. Ken offered an opinion that the submitted Special Exception Application was more general in content than previous Special Exception cases that have been addressed by the Board.   Brooks pointed out that although the content was more general than previous applications of this type, it was, in fact fully filled out.  A general discussion ensued where all agreed that the Special Exception was “complete” and we could seek additional information at the site walk and final evaluation of the case during the next meeting.   There was general agreement that more information would be needed before project approval.
    1. Beth moved to accept the application as complete with the understanding that more information will be provided at the Public Hearing.
    1. Ken seconded
    1. All Ayes to accept the application as complete.
    1. The Site Walk is scheduled for 29 November at 3 pm.
    1. All agreed that there was no regional impact as a result of this project.
  • Unfinished business – none
  • New business – none
  • Communications and miscellaneous – none outstanding
  • Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm