Zoning Board Minutes 11.04.20



NOVEMBER 4th, 2020


Members: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Ken Parys (Vice Chair), Nathanial Bruss, Beth Downs, Denise Renk (Absent).

Alternates: Robert Hodges (Absent), William (Bill) Duffy.

 Public Present: Doug Webb, Dan Higginson, Liz Nolan Esq., Carol Troy.

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the October 21st, 2020 minutes.

Motion: Bill Duffy motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: Bill Duffy-Ayes, Beth Downs-Ayes, Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Brooks McCandlish- Ayes, Ken Parys-Abstain.

New Applications: None

Unfinished Business:

Map 7 lot 76 -continuation of the discussion for the variance application of:

Applicant Rick Deschenes for a variance proposing to construct a single-family two-story dwelling unit-Map 7 lot 76. Board member Nathanial Bruss stated that the new site plans submitted have different setbacks. The house is also in different location as well as the deck. The board can choose to approve with conditions. The application originally submitted will be reviewed, unless the applicant would like to re submit a new one to reflect the new site plans submitted. The Public will need to vocalize their opinion if the applicant chooses to re submit a new application.

The Zoning Board reviewed the 5 criteria. 

Board Member Beth Downs does not feel its contrary to the public interest, Billy Duffy disagreed due to the setbacks; if approved this would set precedence for future building of lots similar in density.

 Brooks McCandlish stated a concern for the safety of the Public; with the houses being so close together in terms of fire possibly spreading. Brooks McCandlish vocalized there could be potential harm to public by crowding additional houses as well as the potential for further degradation on the lake which in turn can affect the public. Bill Duffy stated he does not see an unnecessary hardship. Brooks mentioned that there appears to be other locations on the property that the house could be located. There are other locations that do not require a variance. Brooks McCandlish showed the map submitted to show other possible locations.  Nathaniel Bruss applauded the applicant for a reasonable sized dwelling for the proposed location on the lot, but it does not appear that the applicant has met all 5 of the criteria. Beth Downs was in agreement.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to deny the variance.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision:  Beth Downs-ayes, Ken Parys-Ayes, Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Bill Duffy-Ayes, Brooks McCandlish-Ayes.

Public Hearing(s): None

New Business:

Doug Webb was present to discuss signage for the Lumber Barn – Doug stated that he had been to the Zoning Board approximately 4 years ago. Mr. Webb shared that the “Do it best” signage has been removed and re sized and is now properly lit. Doug Webb will be adding a kitchen showroom and would like to add an electronic sign for his business. The Zoning Board let Mr. Webb know the process for submitting a variance application and the 5 criteria that need to be met. Carol Troy let Mr. Webb know that electric signs are prohibited in the sign ordinance. Nathanial stated that a variance approval is only good for two years.

Communications and Miscellaneous– Reviewal of supply costs on the Zoning Board budget for the year of 2020.

Zoning Board Communications:

  • The next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting will be held on December 2nd, 2020 at 7:00 pm, remotely via the Zoom platform.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn.

Second: Ken Parys

Decision: Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Ken Parys-Ayes, Billy Duffy-Ayes, Beth Downs- Ayes, Brooks McCandlish-Ayes.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:57pm

APPROVED Minutes written and submitted by

Katie Olohan, Zoning Board Secretary