Zoning Board Minutes 12.06.23

7:00 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Nathanial Bruss (Vice-Chair), Laura Beaton, Bill Duffy

Review minutes of November 15, 2023 meeting

Motion: Nathanial Bruss moved to approve the November 15, 2023 meeting minutes as written.

Second: Laura Beaton

Decision: All in favor, 4-0

7:05: Jim Varney joined the meeting

Receipt of applications:

Application for a Special Exception to expand the number of units on property at 123 East Main Street.

Attorney Christensen, Cleveland Waters & Bass / 123 East Main Street Owner LP

Motion: Nathanial Bruss moved that the application be accepted as complete with additional information and sketches of the location of the well and septic system on the property to be provided at the site walk and hearing. Also, the check covering the fee for notifying abutters made out to the Town of Bradford will be provided at the hearing.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 5-0, all in favor

Schedule of Public Hearing and Site walk: Site walk is scheduled for Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 4:30. Public hearing on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Bradford Area Community Center.  


RCS Designs / Fraser Trust, Oakdale Road.

Bob Stewart from RCS Design representing the Frasers appeared to consult about a project at 77 Oakdale Road. Mr. Stewart asked the Board about a special exception application. The Board agreed that would be appropriate to submit for the next board meeting on January 3.


Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm.

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 5-0, all in favor

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford